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Meatball 258d
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Julien Lui Litterio
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Mikeox small 255d
Mikeox small
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Melodias Tunez
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Melodias Tunez
Melodias Tunez
Abdullah Christopher Folk
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Abdullah Christopher Folk
Abdullah Christopher Folk
Abdullah Christopher Folk
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Phat Mama G 254d
Phat Mama G
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Carter Sharer 253d
Carter Sharer
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Uwu 251d
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Sylas Walters 251d
Sylas Walters
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Sylas Walters
Sylas Walters
Sylas Walters
Sylas Walters
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Well, I mean, maybe you're just very special, right? You're like an X-Men character. You have like Xavier type abilities to pry into the psyche of someone's psychological disposition and just be able to tell exactly how they feel about the person asking that question. Right. And for that, I applaud you. No way I can argue with that. I'm really not into philosophy, but if I were to show you three hours of pilots corroborating the same exact story, are then they all crazy as well?
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I have been to the ocean, I have seen ships disappear when they go too far over the horizon. You can't fool me. You cannot- Bro, it's so obvious that the earth is a sphere and not a disk. It's so obvious, bro. You're just delusional.
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I don't get no nurse shit here, boy.
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I like how the pilot is looking at you like The questions you're asking and he's gives you this weird look I mean, did you even notify the pilot of what you're asking him and why you're asking him? Like why are you asking him? That's what I'm trying to say and I don't get why you give yourself put yourself anonymous Other than wanting to waste other people's time Because that's all you're doing is just wasting time other people's time
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Hello, child. Alright, cool. Call me child. At least the child has more intelligence and common sense than you. Your other comment asking me if I got dropped on my head as a kid. Maybe you're the one that got dropped on your head. But it would explain the video that you just posted. Maybe you should get your head checked.
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You really need to calm down, alright? Sorry, I just don't believe in your nonsense. And I'm just going to continue talking about it. Alright, there's no need to call people idiots. There's no need to call a person a child. You want to believe in whatever you want to believe in? Hey, go for it. I don't believe in what you believe in. And I think it's completely nonsense, alright? So, I'm going to continue talking about it. I'm sure you're going to continue talking about it.
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Question was this pilot even tracking why you were asking these questions because the way he looks at you. It's like It's like what are you talking about I Mean Is this things like you're just wasting time you're just wasting everyone's time and Hey you believe what you want to believe All right but using the Bible and Trying to prove the earth is just to prove the earth is flat
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this is dumb that's not what he's saying at all he's saying curvature is not something that needs to be calculated because we're not outside the atmosphere and we're not nearly big enough for that to fucking matter when we're in a plane
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to how you got hit in the head, the man in your, the man in your car.
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You have to slow down to the Earth's motion when you're in the fucking sky, the only thing slowing you down is the wind resistance from the fucking atmosphere. And he doesn't need to adjust for curvature because gravity does that for him. Depending on how high your altitude is, have you ever heard of fucking potential and kinetic energy? You stupid idiot. You prove nothing. You just made yourself look like a fucking idiot. You really thought you ate. You're dumb as shit.
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My are you calling me stupid? Geography has nothing to do with what happens in the air in the general fucking rotation of Earth And you're the one you're fucking calling you saying there's a single brain cell in my head. Where the fuck did you get 90,000 miles an hour? Like you're the one fucking calling me an idiot, but you can't even check your own facts. Are you a fucking are you a dumbass? When when did you get 90,000 miles an hour? It's a thousand miles an hour you fucking retard check your facts before talking
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What the fuck are you talking about anti-gravitational pulse of the earth's core? Are you fucking stupid? Like what- That sentence by itself had no fucking correlation and didn't make any sense to what the general subject we were on. Like, you're just- I feel like you're just saying random shit and hoping you sound smart enough for people to think you're right. Like, you don't even know what the fuck you're saying. You don't know what you're saying. You're stupid as fuck. You've obviously never heard of fucking potential and kinetic energy. Shut the fuck up.
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Everyone here can agree how fucking retarded you sound.
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Bro, it's hilarious how insecure you sound. You're just mad I'm more manly than you and you're just, my ****'s bigger. You sound so fucking insecure bro, like, oh my god, I could tell you're a whole bitch in real life. You're calling me a bitch. Like, based off of all you said in that whole yap sesh, I can clearly tell how fucking insecure you are about yourself and it's funny. Poor guy, poor guy, look at him, little baby back bitch, fuck you *****.
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