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Scott Tailford


Scott Tailford

Professional blabsman. WhatCulture Gaming Editor, podcast host, news journalist - all the good things.
5 talks
48 abonnés
2 abonnements
77 listeners
Will You EVER Go To A Cinema Again!?
Adam and Scott look at the latest movie release news and wonder if the industry can ever go back to “normal”.
Scott Tailford & 1 plus
11 listeners
Talk with adamclery
Scott Tailford & 1 plus
119 listeners
The Snyder Cut - BRUTALLY Honest Review
Adam and Scott have sat through all 4 hours of Zack Snyder’s Justice League... but should you?
Scott Tailford & 1 plus
2 listeners
Talk with adamclery
Scott Tailford & 1 plus
6 listeners
Talk with adamclery
Scott Tailford & 1 plus
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