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Paige Mitchell


Paige Mitchell

Mama + Minister + Momprenuer Coach. Owner/Founder @ #RecessOKC Coworking space with on-site childcare.
3 talks
2 abonnés
1 abonnement
30 listeners
When Purpose Meets Passion
Talking with multi hyphenated CEO Paige M. as we talk about Her Startup Co Working space. Diving deep into how your purpose can meet passion
Paige Mitchell & 1 plus
8 listeners
When Purpose Meets Passion
Talking with the multi-hyphenated CEO Paige Mitchell. Paige has owned many businesses, a boutique, and now a Co-Working startup. Join us as we discuss when purpose meets passion and the journey that got you there.
Paige Mitchell & 1 plus
8 listeners
When Purpose Meets Passion
Talking with the multi-hyphenated CEO Paige Mitchell. Paige has owned many businesses, a boutique, and now a Co-Working startup. Join us as we discuss when purpose meets passion and the journey that got you there.
Paige Mitchell & 1 plus
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