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Electrical Engineer - Automation and Controls. I build robots that manufacture things.
9 talks
29 abonnés
11 abonnements
8 listeners
Talk with kadenmac
Bennett & 1 plus
40 listeners
Ask Engineers Anything - STOP TEACHING MATH!?🤷‍
Episode 6.
Bennett & 1 plus
30 listeners
Ask Engineers Anything - Have a drink with us
Two college buddies catching up over a beer and wanting to discuss topics you're interested in or argue about something you bring up. Join us for a beer, introduce yourself. Cheers
Bennett & 1 plus
47 listeners
Ask Engineers Anything ep. 3 – Have a drink with
We are electrical engineers and college buddies grabbing a beer and talking about whatever comes up. Are you an engineer too? Let us know what you do and help us answer people’s questions
Bennett & 1 plus
30 listeners
Ask Engineers Anything ep.2 -Movies + STEM/STEAM
We are Electrical Engineers and college buddies grabing a beer and talking about engineering. Are you an engineer too? Let us know what you do and help us answer people's questions.
Bennett & 1 plus
31 listeners
Ask Engineers Anything ep.1.5-We want your input
We are Electrical Engineers and college buddies grabbing a beer and talking about engineering. Are you an engineer too? Let us know what you do and help us answer people's questions.
Bennett & 1 plus
25 listeners
Ask Engineers Anything ep.1
We are Electrical Engineers and college buddies grabbing a beer and talking about engineering. Are you an engineer too? Join us! Grab a drink and let us know what you do and help us answer people's questions.
Bennett & 1 plus
55 listeners
Ask Engineers Anything ep.0
One went technical the other went management. Still early in our careers in power distribution and automation. Ask us anything.... Yes anything: advice about school, what the best breakfast taco is, even what that noise is your neighbor is making.
Bennett & 1 plus
2 listeners
5 years after Engineering School
Talking about our engineering school, experience in the work place, live standup in Asheville and what we're doing now.
Bennett & 1 plus
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