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Jeremy Shada


Jeremy Shada

Actor. Dork. Occasional Rockstar.
5 talks
2 307 abonnés
4 abonnements
729 listeners
Finding Mr./Mrs. Right (Relationship Advice P2)
Jeremy and Carolynn Shada talk about what to look for in a potential partner
Jeremy Shada & 1 plus
1200 listeners
Relationship Advice with Jeremy and Carolynn
Me and my wife talk relationship do’s/don’ts and give advice! Come hang ❤️
Jeremy Shada & 1 plus
560 listeners
Talk with carsonrowland
Jeremy Shada & 1 plus
560 listeners
Is Endgame the worst marvel movie?(Movie Rank)
Me and Carson rank Marvel movies from best to worst
Jeremy Shada & 1 plus
723 listeners
Acting 101 with Jeremy and Carson
Jeremy Shada and Carson Rowland talk about movies/tv and how they got into acting
Jeremy Shada & 1 plus
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