IT’S A TRAP!💥 Superman REBOOT, MCU & DC News...We talk the future of R-rated films in the MCU, Kevin Fiege’s comments on Marvel TV shows in the MCU, and Robert Downey Jr. saying Tom Holland should STOP playing Spider-Man 🤨
Also, we’re getting a new Superman⁉️
Make sure to tune in!
Marvel Comics Trivia Ep. 2CHANGE OF PLANS! It’s a slow news day so we’re doing Marvel Comics Trivia.
Each of us has 3 lifelines in the form of audio messages related to the current question (this may change depending on how many messages we receive).
The first person who gets 10 questions correct buys the other dinner.
💥IT’S A TRAP! Podcast💥 Ep. 19Snyder Cut: WB Executive SLAMS Justice League, Christopher Nolan and Deborah Snyder, ‘Secret Cameo’ UPDATE, etc.
Other: WandaVision 1-HOUR episodes, Big Hero 6 in the MCU rumors, ‘Blue Beetle’ movie, Goodner Skrull theory, Emilia Clark replacing Amber Heard in AQUAMAN⁉️
Make sure to tune in!
Holy Joker, F4 Rumors, Supgirl, Hawkeye, SNYDER🚨Today on the IT’S A TRAP! Podcast:
We talk all of the latest news and speculation in Fantastic 4, the Flash film, and more!
Also, Ethan may have a story about Alfred Molina...
Make sure to join us!
Marvel Comics Trivia Ep. 1Today on the IT’S A TRAP! Podcast:
The one who SOMEHOW gets the most answers right buys the other dinner.
Snyder Cut Trailer BREAKDOWN Today on the IT’S A TRAP! Podcast:
We break down the new Snyder trailer and (if we have time) discuss MCU news.
Make sure to tune in!