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Adonis Jones


Adonis Jones

New youngin to Chicago,lookin to stir some thoughts
29 talks
31 abonnés
20 abonnements
7 listeners
Double Movie Review!!
Hey guys! This week will be talking about recent movies drop by marvel such as Eternals and Shang Chi we will also be talking about the new upcoming Spider-Man no way home trailer! Tune in!
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
2 listeners
Call of duty Vanguard Review
After a long awaited break we are returning this Saturday and we will be talking about call of duty vanguard which drops this Friday the 5th. We will also be talking about where we’ve been for the past couple weeks. We will be returning to dropping an episode every Friday
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
7 listeners
The Marvel RETURN!!
This week on the show we will be talking about Disney+ current running show “What if…?”. We will be talking about the most recent episodes and some possibilities that they could add into the show or that we as watches would like to see.
Adonis Jones & 2 plus
1 listener
What is up everybody, we're back this Friday talking about everything PlayStation. From exclusive games to Console updates you'll hear it all here the same time same place as always.
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
20 listeners
Spider-Man No Way That Happened
CALLING ALL MY SPIDEY FANS!!! After the drop of the trailer we have to get together and dissect each and every frame looking for hidden characters and easter eggs!
Adonis Jones & 2 plus
14 listeners
What’s going on world?
Hey guys we are back again with another Friday show. This week we will be bringing attention to things such as Haiti’s earth quakes, Mike Pence, and many other topics that are occurring in today’s world. SO TUNE IN TO AN AMAZING TAlK THIS FRIDAY!!!
Adonis Jones & 2 plus
9 listeners
The future of Marvel
What is up everybody, following up from last week we're going to continue talking about marvel and their next phase of movies coming. We will be talking about theories,our favorite characters, and what we are excited to see with the next phase of movies.
Adonis Jones & 2 plus
7 listeners
Clash of Icons
What is up everyone,this week we're going to be arguing on which was better. Will be talking about TV shows and cinematic universes.(Cartoon network vs Nickelodeon,Marvel vs Dc) We will be choosing three of our top favorites from each side.
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
8 listeners
Talk with lilzk22
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
0 listeners
Mental Health Check
What is up everyone,this week we are gunna be checking in with everyone. Take a break from life and come chat with us as we share stories, laughs, and advice.
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
7 listeners
Lets keep it casual
Hey guys this week conversation we will be keeping it casual and introducing you to our every day lives and what we have going on in our lives. You guys will be getting a little insight on who we are as people.
Adonis Jones & 2 plus
6 listeners
Irks My Soul
CALLING ALL COUPLES!!! Does your significant other do things that will just irk your soul? Then tune into this weeks talk and share your story!! Big,small,petty, or serious let us here it.
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
5 listeners
Unexpected Future
What is up everybody! This week we are gunna talk about what we weren't prepared/taught before growing up. From doing our taxes to opening up a credit card there are somethings we just aren't taught in school.
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
6 listeners
Double Standards
What is up everyone, this week we are going to be talking about the double standards that sit between men and women. As 2 men we have had of fair experiences of doubles standards. We would love to here a womans opinion in this weeks talk.
Adonis Jones & 2 plus
17 listeners
That was then,this is now
This week we are going to dive into the differences in generations.We will be accompanied by 2 new guests to weigh in their thoughts. We will be talking about lingo,clothes,trends etc
Adonis Jones & 3 plus
17 listeners
That was then,this is now
This week we are going to dive into the differences in generations.We will be accompanied by 2 new guests to weigh in their thoughts. We will be talking about lingo,clothes,trends etc
Adonis Jones & 3 plus
4 listeners
The Demise of Gaming
What is up everyone!!! After a long break we are back. This week we are gunna talk about just how bad the game industry is getting. With big titles upcoming,we look back to the simpler days where there weren't hackers in every lobby, games went $70+, games went 500+ gb,etc.
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
9 listeners
Cryptid Creatures
From skin crawlers to chupacabras,we are going to be listing and discussing our favorite cryptids. Join to here the eerie backgrounds of the creatures and debate whether or not they are real.
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
14 listeners
Ghostly Encounters
What is up everybody this week we're going to take a whack at the paranormal. We're going to be talking about whether or not we believe in ghosts, some of our odd experiences, we would love to have your guys input!
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
17 listeners
Justice Served
As we all know there has been another spike in murders being committed by the police. This week we will be talking about the victims and bringing to light the full story behind these crimes.
Adonis Jones & 1 plus
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