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💖The Cultured Waifus Podcast💫 Full-time otaku
13 talks
70 abonnés
50 abonnements
11 listeners
Are shounen shows OVER RATED?!🔥
Some of them get a lot of hype! Why is that? Let's talk about it!
Alfiea & 1 plus
17 listeners
Are magical loli's✨ still a THING?!
Here we talk about a topic very dear to our hearts, magical girl animes! But would believe even these animes have issues?! Listen to find out!!
Alfiea & 1 plus
6 listeners
CONTINUATION ✨Which one is better?!✨
Lets all curse the internet while we continue out talk!
Alfiea & 1 plus
6 listeners
✨Which one is better?!: LNvsMANGAvsANIME✨
ON A NEW SEGMENT ON THE CULTURED WAIFUS💥 We talk about which one do we think is actually better! The light novel, the manga, or the anime adaptation?! Tune to find out which one we prefer!
Alfiea & 1 plus
25 listeners
What are we going to watch this spring season? Well go ahead and listen to find out! There are tons coming out so we have good suggestions!
Alfiea & 1 plus
17 listeners
The Promise NEVER landed?! 😰
Yes! We're doing this 2 times a week now! So tpn ended huh? Yeah these are our thoughts! SLIDE SHOW PRESENTATION?! Let's talk about it!
Alfiea & 1 plus
27 listeners
✨Cosplay 101- Newbie Mode Part 2✨
As Cashi disconnected from the first one, here is a continuation! Additional is talking about our future cosplay plans! And our dreams cosplays as well!
Alfiea & 1 plus
28 listeners
✨Cosplay 101- Newbie Mode✨
Listen to us talk about cosplaying! From two otakus who like dressing up!✨✨✨
Alfiea & 1 plus
57 listeners
✨The Great Convention Adventures✨ PART II
This time we're going to talk about what essentials to bring and what you need to know before going to an anime convention! (Bonus story of THE INCIDENT)
Alfiea & 1 plus
12 listeners
✨The Great Convention Adventures✨ PART I
In part 1 we're going to talk about how we got into conventions and our experience so far!
Alfiea & 1 plus
6 listeners
Just BNHA things 💥
Who is our fave character and what is our fave AU? And if we where there what quirk would we have? Listen to find out!
Alfiea & 1 plus
63 listeners
Our Fave Anime✨
Thoughts on recent episodes of anime we've been watching! This time we also talk about our personal favourite anime!
Alfiea & 1 plus
37 listeners
Talk with cashinextdoor
Alfiea & 1 plus
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