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Amber 216d
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Amber 216d
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Mason 216d
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Sasha 215d
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Mikey 214d
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Smd 213d
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Minos Prime 213d
Minos Prime
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Kari 212d
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No, I don't understand, like people like you, like a western people, they regret on doing such thing. But they've been promoting this such thing for centuries. Having sex, freedom of sex, like what a hook-up culture. You guys have been promoting such thing though.
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Hey, I'm going to pray for you. You need to tell someone who's really close to you so that way they can help you. And I hope things go well with you. I really pray that you come to Christ. I understand the feeling of someone who's really nice to you and you think that they really like you, especially if no one else makes you feel like that. So when someone comes along and makes you feel like you're special, you do.
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Like, give up your body. Don't give up your body so easily, but I pray and hope things go well for you and your baby. Tell your parents and try to figure out so they can help you. Don't hide this from anybody. God bless you and I just pray that things go well for you. God bless you and your family.
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Alright, so she's young, right? And he's a whole, I don't know, co-ass grown-ass man and asking her for sex. Like, come on now. He knew she was young and he took advantage of the fact that she was vulnerable. And I see a lot of men start to do this shit. And not only that, why y'all coming at her? I know she's 15, but she's still young. Of course, if she get male validation, she's going to go after it.
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Ah yes, loosed.
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Girl that's your fault. I don't know if you know about you know birth control or what's it called abortion pills or like plan b plan a like girl Or did you hear about this a condom? Girl figure that shit out. It's your fault
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Hey, good luck, bro
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I don't know what the point of this is supposed to be but like if you're asking if it's like your fault Which I doubt you are then. Yeah, it's completely your fault. You could have rejected his advances Uh I can also the only thing I can say is uh next time keep your legs closed. Uh, don't uh, you know Don't forget to use protection even though it doesn't work 100% of the time and it's never guaranteed um Take plan B, you know
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