Pan Dulce When that 20mg kicks in!! #adultingwithadhd #pandulce #adhdmoment🤣Seguir4945CompartirCopiar enlace del post
ꨄ𖣔𖣔N In your survival group during the apocalypse, would you continue to be around another adult that cannot think on their feet? Why or why not?
T W N G Y ☠️☠️☠️ The Lost Man In The Paris Catacombs- Credit misthole33 #kg #SFX #paris #fyp #mystery ☠️☠️☠️
ꨄ𖣔𖣔N #snackdealers What easy to make snacks do you recommend I bake and blend for my upcoming week? Please list in a comment below! #snack you. 🌑✨💋