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Kayli 418d
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bro because i just want to like come on bro i just want to
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Lying about your age is weird, bruv. Real talk.
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Exactly what I'm saying, bro, exactly what I'm saying.
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I mean, you should know what you're getting into when you sign up for an app for teenagers. Let me say this again for the people in the back, TEENAGERS! This app was not made for grown adults, this was made for 12 and up, sir. You're gonna get mad when you see like 15, 16 year olds in this app when this was designed for them! Not for someone over the age of 18! Thank you, goodbye!
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First off, I was on this app before they made it 13+. The app used to be 18+, you fucking retard, before they advertised it to TikTok and dropped the age because it was getting a bunch of publicity. It used to be an 18-plus app, and then they dropped it to 13+, because there's a bunch of kids joining the app now. So do your research before you come on here talking your shit, you fucking weirdo.
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was made for adults and they lowered it to 13 plus because tiktok was getting a bunch of publicity when they posted it and they started advertising it the app was originally made for 18 plus only users shut up
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how am i the fucking weirdo when you're literally talking to children like that makes you weird fix yourself before you come over here talking to me and second if you knew that it was dropping down to 13 plus there's gonna be kids on here so maybe you should have left and went to another app like i don't know what that app is called it's like something else but it's like tiktok just for adults go there don't be here no more bye
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Oh my days, you're retarded. I was on the app before it dropped down to 13+. I was on here when it was still an 18 plus app and there was only adults on here, right? I was on here before it got advertised on TikTok and before a bunch of kids started coming over here. So stop talking like you know what you're on about. You're fucking retarded. Shut up, man.
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Actually, I do know what I'm talking about, and I'm not fucking retarded, don't call me that. And, you knew that it was dropping down, which means, you heard that? Which means, you should have left. What's a BeagleLive or something? This app is now populated with teenagers. Okay? They're populated with teenagers. There's barely adults on this app anymore, which means, you should have got up and left.
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Nobody knew it was dropping down, you fucking idiot. I was on the app before, I was active on the app before, when it was still 18 plus, and then it got overpopulated by a bunch of kids and teenagers, which is fine, no one cares that they're on here. It's cool. As long as you're not a weirdo, which you are, by the way, like, shut up, man. You think everyone on here is just gonna transition over to some other app because they added kids on here? You sound fucking retarded. You're dumb. Fucking hell. Your parents should have swallowed you.
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how am i the fucking weirdo when i'm not the one talking to children you make no fucking sense get a life and now that you know that there's kids on this app leave that's all i'm trying to say is that if you knew there were kids on here and people are lying about their age it's called be a kid and you found out it was a kid you should have left there's kids on this app and you're gonna just stay here and talk to more children that's pedophilish
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i guarantee you almost everyone on this app is under 18 and adults that are on this app they're leaving that's that's what i'm trying to say that's what i'm trying to get through your tiny dumbass little brain no one is here that's an adult there's children 18 and under like 12 to 18 that's how many that's like the age gap of how many people are on here
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Oh, you're clearly brand new to the app. There are so many adults on this app. It's actually, there are so many fucking adults on this app. I've seen ****** on this app that are over the age of 40. There's hella adults on here. You're brand new. You don't know what you're talking about. You need to shut up, right? Go get like a makeover or some shit. You're ugly as fuck. Go see your therapist cause you're dumb as fuck and go back to school cause you're stupid as shit. Like shut the fuck up. You're dumb as a fucking retard.
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First off, no one's talking to a child. I made a video because somebody said that a 10-year-old messaged them on this app and they said they were 19. So, pat on the fuck up, shut your mouth. Second off, no one cares that there are kids on this app. There can be kids on here all you like, no one cares. Just don't be weird and lie about your age. That's all I'm saying. No one's talking to a child. And on top of that, I don't know why you're in my comments, but you need to, like, you're ugly as fuck, man. Your head's long as shit.
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I'm not the stupid one. You're the stupid one because you can't get simple physics through your brain. That's not what I'm trying to say at all. I know that's weird, like, people are gonna do that though because they're children. If you don't like that, if your friends don't like that, if someone that you're talking to that said that doesn't like that, get off the app. It's not that deep.
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you said it's not that deep but you came onto my page commenting about it because it's not that deep second off um i never said that you have to like it i said it's weird and people shouldn't do it that's all i said so shut up you sound stupid yet again third you're still on here you could comment six times but you're trying to say it's not that deep you look dumb you look dumb i never and no one's gonna leave the app like are you fucking retarded you're so stupid go see a therapist you're brain dead right you're fucking with that and it's got nothing to do with physics you
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Okay, but you're replying like shut up. I said goodbye like eight times Maybe six. I don't know, but I said goodbye I know I said goodbye, and you're still replying which makes you weird for talking to me cuz I'm a teenager I'm a teenager and you're talking to me Which makes you weird okay? You're an adult and you're arguing with a teenager. You're weird
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make me weird you're coming on my post and of course i'm gonna reply i have the creator fund on my account every time someone comments all it's doing is giving me money like you're just like i don't care you keep replying like keep doing it you're just boosting my algorithm like i don't care it doesn't make me weird you're commenting on my post and i'm just replying to comments on my post you fucking idiot you're so stupid and you're ugly as go get your shits checked out bro stupid
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I don't know what you're talking about. You have 12 people that you're following, 12 people, you're brand new to the app, clearly you haven't spoken to enough people. There are so many adults on this app, and even if there are a lot of kids on here now, like teenagers, adults, we don't care. Lying about your age is weird. If you're lying about your age to get a ***** to talk to you, that's weird. Sort your life out. You're a weird bitch, bro. I just know you have no friends. You're so fucking strange.
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I'm not going to lie to you. I might be 14 years old with dementia. I might be 14 years old with dementia. I might be 14 years old with dementia. I might be 14 years old with dementia.
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Yo, mandem, not gonna lie, your accent is fucking turning me on.
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