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Tuko 375d
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Kulsum Baez 375d
Kulsum Baez
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Zekia P 375d
Zekia P
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Jupiter Clark 375d
Jupiter Clark
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I can definitely swim I learned really had a swim swim when I was like 10 or 11 because I took swimming lessons as a child and I learned how to float and I could move like 2 in./h in the water but that's really not swimming this is kind of fucking flailing but swimming like actually using technique probably 10 or 11 my mom taught me and I had you know I just kept kind of doggy paddling until eventually you know start putting more elbow grease into it arm then I'll learn how to dive under and I swim backwards and I do flips and I am basically Michael Phillips at this point
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Ash I'm like I'm so for real whenever I say this but whenever I was four years old I used to jump in the pool by myself and swim for real for real
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I drowned my little brother but answer the question yes I noticed swim
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My black ass and go answer that
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Yeah I may or may not be able to swim team so I think that the main the main point of that is swimming so you know yeah
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Actually I can't swim as a African-American and Latino person I can swim yes I can
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So the thing is I have been still I still have a learn how to swim like I was supposed to learn as a child but my mom never like she said she was going to give me swimming lessons but now I don't wanna swim anywhere like I'm out of water anyways but like I can't swim and I'm black so Yeah yeah
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I first heard how to swim and I was two or three so I've been able to swim without a life jacket were like arm Floaties since then but when I was in sixth grade I think I was in a swim class because it was a requirement by my school and this one guy got really jealous because I had higher marks than her in that class especially for our dives she did not like me for it
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yo I forgot how to swim
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