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Kee 425d
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Eshaunna 425d
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Casandra 425d
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PaunchyzGirl 424d
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Juan 424d
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Ɖʝ ֆɦǟʏ ɮʊȶȶǟɦ
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Tally Mei 424d
Tally Mei
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Tay 424d
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Chan Be Busy 424d
Chan Be Busy
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Marc Brewer 424d
Marc Brewer
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All right, the question is do you leave your red receipts on or off? Somebody told me it's not breed receipts. So I redid it I Keep them off Because as long as your message says delivered, you know, you're not blocked And I just can't think of why I would have them on like I can't think of a reason But if you have a reason for having your red receipts on or off, let me know.
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I keep them motherfuckers off unless we locked in you got if we like me and you don't know cause I'm a turn them off because I know you see me like if weed is in a saying is initiating conversation we feeling shitty little bit in the beginning stages if you need it gonna be off soon as we know the saying like in I'll see if I got nobody so you ain't fuck on nobody answering machine 00 shit
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I actually let certain people See my read receipts some people I'll turn it off right before I message them But for other people I don't care but yeah it depends
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So I have them on but I've never even put much thought into this actually so maybe I might turn them off I don't know what the difference is. I guess I never even realized that you can turn them off Interesting. Peace.
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Yep, I will always leave my red receipts on because if my customers think I'm not reading their messages, they're gonna go to my competition and I can't have that.
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I didn't even know you can do that shit. What the fuck?
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I do leave them on sometimes I forget to respond to people and I don't want them to see the message and be like oh he read it and I guess he just has nothing to say it's not that it's just I sometimes I forget to respond so I wanted them to know I at least read it so they'll be able to send me a follow up message and be like hey what did what did did you read that what did you have to say you know just say no
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Oh I think like for a while like when I was younger I had them on but like now I just turned them off I don't know they can you give me anxiety having them on like I've got a habit of like reading a text message and then like taking forever to respond and so people would probably think I was like mad at them or some thing
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I have him off because sometimes I read a text but I'm not ready to respond to it. I have him on for my one crazy friend because he asked for them on. everything else is, everyone else is off.
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I take my red receipts off because when I check my phone is when I check my phone. When I want to respond is when I want to respond. This feeling of entitlement that people be having to other people's time and shit It's very unhealthy.
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Yeah, I'm just I'm finding this soundbite to be a little racist. Yeah, towards people of Android phones Just because we don't have like a certain feature doesn't mean like you get to judge us and then just like throw it in our face You know what I mean? Like you don't need to just say oh, well, what do you do iPhone users only? That's like saying, you know, you're only Yeah Come on, we don't What about us?
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