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DJones 424d
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Grace 424d
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Dodgy 424d
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Bee 424d
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Jaclyn Passaro
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Vivaciousone 424d
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Vivaciousone 424d
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Vivaciousone 424d
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OK so I've been married about for 13 years until my husband so I'm gonna say yes it's a great thing I'm not saying lose my God I'm saying lol they wow but um what's the dating scene like him or women even asking men out or a guy still you know women still sitting back waiting for the Mets asked him out My single friends they say it is so hard to date now so I'm asking you guys arm and women have you ever asked a man out and would you ask a man out like is that still like a double standard or are you like hey I like what I see I'm a go for it show me to let me know
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Well I've known some women to being lied real persistent and go after whatever day late and I've been in the situation I'm not gonna lie I felt uncomfortable at the show the approach me but you know yeah but that was back in the day but yeah I mean I don't see nothing wrong with it it's not really a double standard unless someone else think it is
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Yes I fully believe that women are starting to ask men on dates I mean I have my self am I I don't think it's weird to do that at all especially because I hate to bring it up but if we want to quality and we want me to see us as equals we have together in some different areas such as maybe asking them on a date or maybe paying for the date once or twice instead of always thinking it's their job
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I can't lie if she asked me out on a date then nine times out of 10 it's never gonna work between me and her you don't ask me to go on a date I tell you that we go on a date
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Yeah, they have been shooting this shot. They have been.
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I don't ask guys out I think it's annoying I'd like ask them you know to go some places before in the past and it never I just don't like it because then I feel like then the guy thinks that you're going to be running the show and I want the guy to run the show that's just my personal opinion so I will I prefer it when guys like a flirt with a guy and make it known like I'll tell a friend oh like I like that you know he's really cute or whatever but then I let the guy
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I personally do not agree with that ongoing trend that modern women, quote unquote modern women, because you know everyone has their own definition of that negative repository, that they should ask men out, modern gave men out. Why? I mean whatever happened to Sheverie, whatever happened to the man approaching the humming, you know, the man asking for the woman's hand in mid, why are we being put into masculine roles as straight or heterosexual women? I don't get it. For those who primarily did it
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Looking for quote-unquote traditional relationships like the old-fashioned couples used to do when they would court their future mate. The part that they hoped doesn't have to real life work. I like courtsmanship. I like for the man to take the lead. I don't want to take the lead as a woman. a man is supposed to guide, protect and provide.
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I don't want any men that can't give me good moral guidance, love and affection, protect and provide. I don't want to do his job for him, absolutely not. I feel like that's very unmasculating in my opinion, but to those women who want to take the initiative and ask for a man's hand in marriage and play a masquerade role and take the lead and court the man, that's up to you. That's your personal choice. This just happened another day.
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