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Armani Monche 441d
Armani Monche
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Bee 440d
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Abel S 440d
Abel S
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Dodgy 440d
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Derrick Dunn 440d
Derrick Dunn
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Mike Damn 440d
Mike Damn
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So I have a question and this is a question it's always been on my mind do you still text any of your exes and be honest because it's always came up in my mind as a question that I was wondering if everyone else has done as for me I have not been contacting any of my exes but I seem to keep finding a way to come back I feel like it's because they know where the best Do you know what I mean but do you still talk to ricks let me know
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I have a few that are good friends but we don't speak that often. And when I say don't speak that often maybe like once a year. And you know that's it. I don't think I have to be any deeper proven that. Now people who just can't let go, that's a different issue.
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I don't text any of my exes. Um, I do have one that will send each other like memes and shit on Instagram, but nothing ever beyond that. Um, she's had a rough go of things and I'm just proud of her, proud of her for making you know the changes that she needs to. So that's my homie, I'ma send her fucking memes.
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Nah, I'm gonna play that. No, ma'am.
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I sure do
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Now is a complete waste of time. If you have a life and you actually truly respected and valued it, you would not be texting your ex. And yeah, stop being dumb. Move on.
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Once we break up there's no reason for us to ever speak again
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No one I will never text with any of my exes.
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Nope, I don't necessarily text any of my exes on regular. I mean, we're all still cordial via Facebook and the Gram and whatnot, but no, I don't have, I don't really have any communication in my exes. I've been there, done that.
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Yeah is one like we're not even here we're like friends but it's been years since we dated and we don't text constantly we keep in touch like here in the air but that's about it mom other exes I don't talk to anymore
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