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Zylus k 439d
Zylus k
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Waffle flopper
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Ryxn C 436d
Ryxn C
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Rose Emanuel 436d
Rose Emanuel
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Jayy 435d
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Starving Marvin
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Geo Brando 435d
Geo Brando
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So you have the option to have any Pokémon that you want which Pokémon are you picking and I want to know as well
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Turn on picking Bulbasaur cause nine so that one time and run a song already know Pokémon are there but I just know it's a Bulbasaur
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Shoot I'm picking Charizard
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definitely ditto and I would make him no well ditto is genderless but not when he transforms into my ex and then we can get on all night long woogie woogie woogie baby.
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Charmander. Any day, Charmander. Growing up I was big on the Pokemon games. I've recently started playing Violet, massively different from red, blue and yellow back in the day, but I would always choose Charmander because he's fucking adorable. I don't care what anyone says, I don't want some like mew-two powerful deity thing running around killing everything for me. Not interested in that. I just want a cute little Pokemon that'll be like,
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Gotta be Pikachu mate or Squirtle. Everyone loves a good Squirtle, especially women. No, actually it would be Ombreon because Ombreon is badass as fuck.
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I'm probably going to choose Raichu or Charizard. Those are my favorite Pokemons. Honestly, I love the flame Pokemon so those will have to be my choices. I've always been a fan of them and yeah.
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Posted Pokémon I'm picking is blast toys or me to read to be my favourite Pokémon is going up the kid even Pikachu saw them free
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I'm a pig on X. I just like on X. I've always liked on X and then when he got that Evolved form in the steel X. I was like, yeah, I like that ***** So that's pretty much it. I just think it'd be really cool to ride on top of Fucking rock beast shit. I don't know. I just think on X is a cool as a Pokemon.
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