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Mojo Jojo 457d
Mojo Jojo
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Evie 456d
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Anji 456d
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Usuario eliminado
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Monicayaelinn 456d
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Usuario eliminado
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Sam 456d
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Rose Emanuel 456d
Rose Emanuel
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Ruined Katana 456d
Ruined Katana
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Ruined Katana
Vaeh 456d
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What is the scariest thing that's ever happened to you guys in your whole life I'm gonna be quick at this this year is not ever having to me was I was in these cornfields with me with me and my brother and my cousin it was in the cornfield and my cousin took a shit inside of the cornfield and this this guy that owned the cornfield started chasing us through the field in his truck and was shooting at us with a double barrel shotgun true story true story we got a Rado
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I was like eight years old, maybe nine. me and my sister got kidnapped and I watched her get raped.
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Okay so basically this one time we went into the McDonald's drive-through I want chicken nuggets and when I got them in my happy meal there was only three in at four and we had a really left by then so we can even like go out
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So I've been housed by myself and then a room door just swings open. and nobody else is in the house. I dirt into my room and I like the door.
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A gay guy trying to kidnap me and my brother when we're running away from demons
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I was in a tornado. That's the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. I was in a tornado.
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So the scariest thing that ever happened to me was I got kicked off the fucking school bus and I had to fucking walk home and it was hot Bitch
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I handed my phone over to my mom and I didn't even like remove anything.
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Running into an adult, there is nothing scarier than adulthood.
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So there was an actual shooter at my school and we had to sit in the corner of the room and we were upstairs and we heard people screaming but nobody got shot. But I was waiting at the door with two decks to my hands, then a fucking cops busted in.
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Dominicus had ARs. I was the only one that was like not panicking or Not taking it as a joke cuz Dominicus was pissing me off taking that shit as a joke Because then they say, this is not a drill. I sound to so fucking distraught.
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bro the scariest thing I've ever done was I was in this cotton field and it was this black person behind me whoopin me with a lot of so like this is true story It's a true story, bruh. A truest door!
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