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Miroslav Glavić
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Anaya 64d
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Kaitlyn 5d
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Cheekyfaz 4d
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Kayla 1d
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There is no gay agenda, there is no black agenda, and the whole God, read the bible, God is the only judge, you as a man, being homophobic, you are racist, there is more to sex than procreation, there is fun, virgin.
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it's not like it's not like i don't it's not okay to be either the same people that are homophobic or most likely the same people that are racist and it's mainly white southerners if we're real talking but who am i i don't know white old men like it's the same people and like the same people that think it's okay for one thing they only don't think it's okay because like they're probably black or like they're probably gay like it's it's just
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that doesn't mean that people think it's right. the only people that think it's right are the ones doing it and would you really take advice from them? like you said why is it why is it okay to be homophobic but not racist and then you immediately went to only the black community as if you can only be racist towards black people. like that didn't it didn't make sense but okay
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Umm, what kinda fuck-ass question is this?
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Are you stupid, like, this is what I'm saying, like, you dudes, that's why half of y'all be fell in grades, or y'all don't graduate and stuff like that, because y'all are stupid, how are you gonna compare a whole race to a sexuality, be so for real, you can't choose to be black, I mean, I know you can't choose to be gay either, but that's a choice that you made, but like, you can't control what race you're born in, are you stupid?
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