Lawful school law Monday #siplearnandeducsteseason4Do you want to know about the rules that will help your kids understand the rules that will help them navigate through life in a safe way. Well come on by as we give you tips on what your kids should know to be safe and educated on rules that should or shouldn't be implemented into their school systems.
Lawful school law Monday #siplearnandeducsteseason4Do you want to know about the rules that will help your kids understand the rules that will help them navigate through life in a safe way. Well come on by as we give you tips on what your kids should know to be safe and educated on rules that should or shouldn't be implemented into their school systems.
Relationship Friday #siplearnandeducateseason4Do you want to learn how to start a relationship and keep it growing after it has been broken or if you are by yourself. Well join us tomorrow as we give you all the tips that will help you to grow and prosper through your relationship with various people that you encounter into your world.Hopr to see everyone on.
Health and wellness wed. #siplearnandeducateseason4Do you enjoy exercising so you can have a healthy body. Do you also love to eat so you have a great and healthy body structure. Well tips from our articles today will help you not only eat right but get your body together so that you are a very strong and great spirited person through what you intake into your own body. Please also support us at $marallen20 - cashapp if you like the show.
Healthy body diseases wed. #siplearnandeducateseason3Do you have any diseases that you or a family member ever got in their life. We join us today as we give you tips on how to stay healthy and fight off any bodily diseases before it can come in contact with your body.
Life History Tuesday #Siplearnandeducateseason3What challenges have you faced from what you did in your childhood life to your life now. Which parts of your life do you enjoy. Well today we are sharing news articles on how life has changed and giving our audience a chance to see how the life they lived has evolved so that kids can see how to look at what parts of their life they want to be represented by in society.
Lawful school Mondays #siplearnandeducateseason3Are there any rules that should or shouldn't be in school in order to make the way our students learn and grow through the ways they should go to school. Well come and listen to some of the rules that are in school and what effect it should have on our students. If you have any you think kids in schools today should have, please share all hour long.