SolTalkEarth’s new state of affairs and energy
The Creative Power of WordsHow often are we willing to carefully consider the potential impact of our words, spoken or unspoken in our interactions with those around us? We forget that words are actions and we can use them to uplift ourselves and others, or we can use our words as a weapon and cause significant harm. Let’s get a dialogue going on how we can use our words with thought and above all else, intention.
The Study of ART 🖼 Ancient art is still being studied to this day. Our art will be studied in the future. There is a collective consciousness that we can tap into as artists. Learn how in this episode.
Money as an Energetic CurrencyThere is an ebb and flow to money just like electricity. Money comes and goes, just like seasons. If we can detach our mental and emotional states from our cash flow, we might be able to adopt a balanced and grounded relationship with money. Also, the energy and intent put into giving or receiving currency is important to be mindful of.