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If you could have any Pokemon in real life, what would you have? I am incredibly stuck between either a Growlith, because that turns into Arcanine, which is a pretty badass Pokemon, or Rayquaza, because it can fly? I don't know, let me know.
Bro if you piss a Knigge off he will eat you in the middle of two seconds but I'm not having a requisite muffin in my house I'm having a sidenote I'm gonna go like really yummy food
If you are really making Syrian and then and then they can complete it and then they can go drink tea did everything we could like we can each outlets but the Pokémon
Now fuck that who's gonna fuck a magic heart. That's the real question like come on. There's so so many options But now let's go for the face or the big mouth.
Search up Lop on E on Google that Pokemon has the fucking thickest dies ever, bro You don't know what I would do to that Pokemon every single day That Pokemon would be fucking damaged mentally and physically.
Oh, that was smart. That was smart. Definitely can go on vacation any day. that's and you can just go right from work you can go right home automatically that's smart