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Red flags happen all the time and on the first day this is crucial to whether or not you want to move forward and one of my biggest red flags is when the person I'm with is not very well mannered and a little bit disrespectful this pisses me off and I will not tolerate it so I'm curious to know what you think a huge red flag is
Get your glass, the duck said, I'll pass. Then he waddled away, waddle, waddle, till the very next day. Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum. When the duck walked up to the lemonade
Yeah I think if I go on the first day and they have no manners for them that's such a big red flag or like if they're just sitting on their phones all their friends I think on their phone as well yeah
If a guy is talking about his crazy ex-girlfriend on the first day then that's a red flag and she probably had a normal human reaction to something and he thought it was unreasonable