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Watkin Jones 320d
Watkin Jones
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JayT 317d
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Casey 316d
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Greyson 315d
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Stop stinkin' and smellin' like shit. Stop takin' up an entire fuckin' aisle away at the grocery store. You big, fuckin' fat piece of shit. Get out of the fuckin' way. Stop stinkin' and bein' stupid all the fuckin' time, movin' so fuckin' slow in my fuckin' way. I'm gonna start killin'.
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look it's not like not you but it's also like the whole victim mentality thing it's starting to get on my nerves like the whole like oh like y'all are ableist or like fat phobic because you called me out on something but I'm fat so you can't do that like bro just accept responsibility like bro
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Well, don't you think if people call you fat or they don't call you fat to be mean Or some people like especially like if family or friends tell you hey, look you got to lose some weight Why do you guys take that as a bad thing? You should also take it as like a Inspiration motivation to like potentially go to the gym or eat a little bit more healthier to maybe change The way, you know, you live your life. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but Some people just tell you at a concern
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