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ꨄ𖣔𖣔N 436d
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Hey guys dreamy here so I want to talk about the app Uber eats now we know that we all have Uber eats on our phone sometimes we order it but literally the customer service of Uber eats is a joke you never get the food that you ordered sometimes you don't get it at all and they don't even give you refunds it's terrible service and sometimes they give the food to your next-door neighbour yeah so you know I was really really upset when they wouldn't give me my money back so I checked out the app and I want to see the reviews are surprising that I wasn't the only one there are so much other people that have bad service with Uber eats So what is your experience using Uber eats did you ever go through some thing like this and why would you read it honestly the app sucks
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Hey, Dreamy. Great question. So I live in a more like remote area in the island I live on the part, the region. There isn't a lot of traffic when it comes to like delivery services. However, we do have Uber Eats and I have tried DoorDash in my area. And between the two, I actually prefer Uber Eats. I find that Uber Eats has more promotional deals versus DoorDash. Great question.
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If I had to rate Uber Eats a rating out of five, I would give them three out of five. There have been a handful of times where the driver delivered me the wrong food or delivered it to the wrong house and I had to make an order again. So that is pretty frustrating, but also there was something that happened that I did end up reporting to Uber and reporting to the restaurant itself.
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I didn't notice this until I was halfway done with the tofu burger I was eating, halfway out of the little bag that it came in. So I hadn't seen like the backside of the burger or anything like that until after this had been discovered. But as I was eating the burger I noticed in the bottom of the bag this chewed up piece of tofu burger. It looked like somebody had...
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It looked like somebody had taken a **** out of the back of my burger, didn't like the taste and spit it back out into the bag, which had, before I started eating the burger, had it in close contact with the chewed up piece versus my burger. That shit grossed me the fuck out, like I literally threw up everything because I felt so disgusted. Personally, my theory is this.
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Personally, my theory is that it may have been either the delivery driver or someone that they had been driving with because restaurants have more to lose in business versus a delivery driver that may have just downloaded the app. You know what I mean? I don't have proof on exactly who it was. I know there was like a little investigation, not by the police, but through the company
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I don't know what the outcome was of that little investigation, however I did report it and you know I don't order from Uber Eats or DoorDash very often, it's actually extremely rare. I personally would rather eat at home, to be quite frank, because I have more control of the environment and I know my stuff isn't being like messed with by mysterious hands and mysterious intentions, you know what I mean?
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And not just Uber eats cause I use DoorDash both of the customer service as a joke I have to you complain every time they refunded you a couple times they start not one in the refund you no more so now you get a massive food Mesa items cold food bad quality and can't even get no money and return anymore I can't stand it man I can't stand it
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I don't trust DoorDash. I don't trust Uber Eats. I don't trust any other app. Cuz... They're always doing some of my food. So yeah, I'm gonna have to just buy it on my own.
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I think one of the reasons UberEats went down the drain is because nobody tips. Like what is that with people where somebody's gonna pick up food, bring it to your house, and you don't even give them a tip? Like, damn!
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