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Jackson 474d
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스 스 474d
스 스
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Daniel Lucas 474d
Daniel Lucas
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Laura 474d
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Cookiemonster 474d
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Kloe Beck 457d
Kloe Beck
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Juan 456d
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This is my question for you is what is a hidden talent that you have that no one knows about me personally it's whistling I know a lot of people know how to whistle but like I've practice whistling to the point where I'm able to sing songs whistling like four songs so you know and like I can do certain things whistling so that's like my hidden talent what about y'all
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Hi so mine is a conflict my eyelids like all the way high like outwards like I got flip them and I can't like dislocating really locate my pinky toe on rip it was standing on my left foot so yeah
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OK well my hike in Thailand my hide in Thailand I can disappear I can disappear for all the people so I didn't know that what I am super proud not only one day but I do support for many many years looking back thinking that I'm already dead grandma is my iPad and I want to disappear
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My hidden talent is I can rap you shake them if you got them take some mixture combination to achieve a perfect bottom add the The shape to the drop and the firmness to the bounce multiply then divided by the cellulite
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I don't really have any talents in general I can do this thing where I can like shake my eyes like get my eyes to check a little bit it's not like anything crazy I can also do a thing where one I can be straight and the other one can be a little bit to the side I said I was just something weird that I can do that I've done it to my siblings and we've laughed
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Oh I can kind of sing At least people who I've sung to or around who told me my singing is good even though I kind of don't think it is I don't very insecure about how my singing voice actually sounds but according to the people in my life my singing is good so I guess that is a talent even though it's not secret and I can't say for sure
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Oh I don't know if there's anything else that comes to mind I can play the glockenspiel that's something I had to learn it in primary school and I don't know how anyone struggled with it because we were literally in year five so like a grade 6 so I was what like nine or something eight 910 something like that and I can't remember but like it was really easy
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Also I can kind of play the guitar but I don't own a guitar so I've probably lost all recollection of how to do it but I would probably be able to pick it back up with someone easily at least the basics and maybe get good at it I have no idea I would like to hope that I would
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And they're not so much a talent and definitely subjective but I would like to say that I am funny and I don't think there's ever been a time that I have met a person and not make them laugh like in person right unless they specifically don't like me for other reasons and even then I've had someone who doesn't like me like laugh at something I've said you know
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Yeah those are my kind of talents anyway as the whistling I personally would love to hear some of that if you were just like whistle a tune of some sort of song I personally would find it cool as fuck obviously you don't have to I just would probably be impressed I can't even whistle So pretty cool honestly
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I have a penis!
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so yeah um I guess I like Elmo
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I like a rapid Spanish pretty good
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