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Guwop 519d
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Senor Pequenos
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Nathen 519d
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And while we're on the subject of water, what are some things that you've done to make, you know, your water intake easier for you throughout the day? One example that I listed was, you know, slicing up strawberries or cucumber, lemon, and putting it into your water to make kind of like an infused water. Also just adding it into like a fun cup. I've bought a few cups that, you know, make it like fun I guess or not fun but just you know you you gravitate towards the cup more so you want to drink more so yeah let me know what do you do to get your water intake.
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Avoid drinking fizzy drinks like Coke and stuff and just drink water really because if you just stick to drinking water you'll get your intake and more so what kind of info for you really
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There's a whole bunch of different little things you can do but for me the biggest thing was just getting like two like nicer Like water bottles like that the whole water They're not like heavy. So it's not like oh, I gotta lug it around and they're not like cheap But they're like a good solid, you know water bottle and Just it's am able to carry it around Through the day and that's pretty much what helps me get through is like I'll just remember oh yeah like this thing I have I should drink it.
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Very favorite favorite day nicotine nicotine vapes after water right after right after drinking it after smoking energy drinks of water in it down there yeah yeah every Lego technically has water in it so like upper for my bottle water
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