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Isa Manson 528d
Isa Manson
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Natalia Lavaggi
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So I've been trying to focus on eating more fresh foods so that means that my vegetables my fruit go bad in over a week because I've been shopping at Whole Foods so I've really been going to the grocery store like 34 times a week for the past two months and thank God it's like a four minute drive 5 minute drive for me because if it wasn't I'd be so frustrated but yeah I feel like Whole Foods is my second home at this point
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I'll go to the grocery store like once a week I live pretty far away from the nearest store like 25 minutes so it's a nice drive there but I definitely like to save my gas so yeah once a week for me if I lived closer in like a city where the store was like closer to me I totally would go probably like every day
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Me and my husband will probably go at least twice a week. So we do like a big, big shop once every couple of weeks. We go to Costco and then for produce and things that we like to get fresher and more on the organic side, we'll probably go at least once a week. twice a week is more normal because we tend to go through things really quickly.
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