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Britt 554d
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Alyssa 554d
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Alright, so let's talk labor. I had all three of my kiddos induced by Potosin because I had severe preeclampsia and toxemia. My first I was in labor for 38 hours, naturally other than Potosin, which apparently makes everything more intense, but I have a defect in my spine so if they would have hit just right then they could have literally paralyzed me. So I refused to get it for 38 hours and it was so fucking painful and my body literally was tensing up and starting to shut down. So they're like either you get the epidural or you're gonna either have to go for an emergency C-section because of infection or other issues. So I got the epidural. I passed her just fine. She was fine. My second son, again preeclampsia and toxemia, induced at 37, and I got the epidural immediately and pushed him out but he decided to come out with his arms straight up in his head. So I had to pass both his head and his arm. So he got stuck in my canal half way out well like his hand out so they had to use the vacuum which caused him to get jaundice because like between his head and his like his skin and skull created like blood that wasn't able to like correct itself so he got jaundice so he ended up in the NICU. My last was a 32 week preemie because my liver was shutting down and she was breech so that one was a pitocin, mag, and emergency c-section. Since she was the 32-weeker, they immediately took her to the NICU and I didn't get to see her until hours after, so that was extremely hard. But I had to have a c-section and my pre-eclampsia only got worse every pregnancy, so I also had them cut and tie my tubes. So no more kiddos for me because obviously it's not for me and my body just can't handle it anymore which is saddening but it is what it is. but my preemie is amazing now and she's six months old.
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was my first I was in early labor for 48 hours so I did that all at home and then when I went to the hospital it was five centimeters dilated they had been in me they broke my water and within five hours she was here.
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I pushed for about an hour with her. She was probably my easiest delivery so far.
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With my second and my OB/GYN give me a membrane sweep and not even within eight hours I was in labour active labour for five hours in a hospital I tried pushing her out for a whole hour and I couldn't get her out because my back and she
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My back contractions were so bad that I was struggling to breathe during them and her heart rate was dropping so he ended up using the vacuum which caused extremely bad wounds on her head
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Thankfully she didn't get severe jaundice from it but she did get severe cradle cap from it which my doctor said is common I didn't even know that so I'm hoping this third baby delivery goes way smoother
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So I only have one child in these four months and I was induced with potassion as well and then I was in labor for 48 hours and I ended up asking for epidural
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