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Steven 544d
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Faye 544d
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Kate K 544d
Kate K
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Hamster Eater 544d
Hamster Eater
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Aleina Barreto
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Pinky 544d
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GAbriel 544d
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Ray 544d
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Nugget 544d
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Dessywessy 544d
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My friend and I are having a debate OK I say looks because you're OK first you're gonna look at like what they look like and then if you like their appearance you're gonna want to get to know them and like see their personality you're not even gonna talk to them see the personality if you don't like the way that they look but I just had a voice crack But I say luxe I'm not saying looks are better than personally well kind of that too like if you're ugly but you have like this amazing personality will I be able to even want to kiss you will I want to look at you will I want to show my friends that I am dating you I want to post you know maybe Actually depends but I don't wanna seem like a bitch but I say looks are more important than personality but which one is more important and which one is like which one would you go after first
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Go to the end of the video and play with the Weird Mouse No.
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See, but like I also agree with that because I feel like the ugliest people also have the ugliest hearts. If that makes sense, you know what I mean? Like, it's just, ugh, maybe I'm crazy, but ugly people are always gonna be ugly inside too.
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okay girl I kind of agree with the first girl because like yeah but like I go for both so if they like look good but they have a shitty ass personality they're We're going.
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Why are you got a blow up my ears rock man you blew up my ears like my uncle blew up my back
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I'm not someone that's so ugly so I just think God
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To be honest like you said first you're gonna wanna see the looks and if they good looking you're gonna go ahead and you know experience little more and see their personality and if you like the personality well then you can see me
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[" akuelu mo tị Cape King"] Chiz helpt cryptocurrency [" one character Л達 из [" the favorite character túaktis
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My Tonio goddamn sound down go I don't know broke my nail fingernail draw shit I got this
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To be honest it's just in human nature of the first thing when you look at I can bring you got ugly I didn't want to go fine And then I got something going for them but like you're not gonna just be like oh I want to go to prison he asleep no nobody's like that
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