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Mbulelo 542d
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J Savvy
Indy 542d
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J Savvy
Derrick Degenerate
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J Savvy
J Savvy 542d
J Savvy
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Sofia 542d
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J Savvy
Jasl 542d
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J Savvy
J Savvy
J Savvy
J Savvy
Bail 542d
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J Savvy
J Savvy
J Savvy
J Savvy
J Savvy
Samaria 542d
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J Savvy
Collin 542d
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J Savvy
Corinnr Drake 542d
Corinnr Drake
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J Savvy
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What's one combination that you think shouldn't be on pizza? For me it's mushrooms. They taste fucking gross. I don't know who decides to put them on pizza, but they're fucking crazy for that.
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They got a chewed pineapple and you chose mushrooms before pineapple come on now mushrooms I pineapple on the other hand you're crazy for that one
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I was gonna say pineapple first but I already know everyone's gonna say that shit. So I'm choosing the next worst thing. washrooms.
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Don't know who invented that shit but I'm at the sea sardines because who the fuck why the fuck when the fuck how how the fuck like
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I've had to eat pizza with pineapples and yeah it's not good but I hate mushrooms. They're fucking sour, I don't like the texture of it, and they're slimy, fuck that shit.
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Pineapples shouldn't go on pizza I think that shit is fucking disgusting bro like if you eat pineapples on pizza you're not real bro
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Facts, where the fuck came up with putting pineapple on pizza, they're fucking crazy. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking and why relax it. They're fucking crazy, too
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Oh hell no, I've never heard about sardines on P. So what the fuck? It's probably like some old ass people or some shit, some hillbillies. Is what I imagine. That's fucking gross
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All of you motherfuckers were saying Bonable you're just saying that because everyone else is saying that I know you have not tried it but anchovies because I've seen on pizza and I've tried and pizza and it's fucking nasty bro anchovies
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I have tried both and I'll tell you they're both fucking gross the pineapple is just cuz cuz it's sweet and the pizza salty I don't like that shit. The anchovies are just fucking gross by themselves and with pizza even worse.
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Don't ask how I know this but ants don't put ants on your pizza
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the fuck? how? why? why would you even put ants on pizza? and I've already ate an ants with cereal only because I didn't know that they crawled into my fucking cereal and I tasted it.
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And then when I looked down, I saw ants inside the cereal. I was like, oh, fuck. No wonder that shit tasted salty.
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Why do ants like travel into liquid knowing they're gonna die? Like I had a glass of orange juice that I left out and the whole thing got covered in ants and they were all just dead. Like, do they not know better?
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Ants and cereal though that kind of sounds pretty good you know sounds like it just would have the extra flavor like crawling on your tongue to oh yeah good stuff good stuff
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I don't know, I'm calling the fucking psych ward and locking your ass up. What the fuck? I don't know. If you want ants in your cereal, go ahead, leave your cereal outside. See how much ants are on there. Fuck that.
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Who knows, maybe the answer just suicide or they just smell the sweet shit and they're like, fuck it, I'm on diet eating sugar. That's how I want to go.
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Pineapples on pizza or fucking gas and everybody hating on that shit in this fucking stereo fucking comment section or whatever the fuck this shit is is stupid as hell I agree with mushrooms though mushrooms disgusting on pizza like hell no
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At least we can agree on one thing, but not everyone likes pineapples on pizza. I just don't like it because the pineapples are sweet and then the pizza is salty. Not a good combo for me
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All right I can see where you're coming from there at least you have like sort of a way of comparing it but everyone else just be like they don't say they don't like and I've never fucking tried it before lunch it pisses me off
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Yeah, I'm not like that. I never liked the idea of it, but I gave it a try from different peaks of places. I've tried it like four or five times and every time I just don't like it.
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See that's reasonable though you know you gotta have the respect for people that actually try shit like that but you know if you don't like it after you try it then that you know it's got your opinion that I I agree shit
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Yeah, the people that don't try shit and then they just always say, I don't like it. I don't fuck with people like that because how do you know what it It's like, how do you know if you don't like it? until you try it.
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Literally exactly that, like exactly that. It bothers me to no level. So many people do that too, Mike. It's so annoying. I just, I don't know.
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Yeah, it's because a lot of people are like, they're trying to hop or they just say like, what other people say, like the pineapple shit, unless you tried it for yourself and you're like, like yeah this shit's gross. Then yeah you can say it, but if you haven't then Now you shouldn't say it.
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I can definitely say that like I've done it before like I feel like everybody probably has it one point but if they don't realize that like at one point that they're wrong then you know I'm also connected to my car so my audio sent shitty that's why I don't make fun of me thank you bye
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Okay, I was just wondering, I was like, what the hell? She sounds different now. Nah, but you're good.
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Yeah I really wanted to go get some food so like I know I'm out here and I'm going to my college class you know life's great woo hoo
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I don't know who came up with the idea for pickles or pineapple on pizza, but I want to fight them. I want to fight them.
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Same like pineapples on pizza. Yeah, that's gross but pickles. What the fuck I Never seen anyone order fucking pickles on a pizza That's fucking gross. Some gross ass bitch probably came up with that
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One combination that should not be on pizzas the new fucking like Little Caesars corn cob pizza that shit's a fucking sin
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But when I saw that commercial, I thought they were fucking kidding. I thought it was like a fake commercial or some shit. But when I saw it's actually on the menu, I was like, bro, what the fuck? Hell nah. Who the fuck thought of this? Who the fuck approved it? and who the fuck's ordering that shit?
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Pineapple and I mean I like both of them but they just don't belong on pizza especially pineapple
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Damn, I don't know about the ham though. I'd be getting fucking pepperoni ham beef and that should fire. I think I have a blown up on pizza but not pineapple.
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