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Alisha 555d
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Erik Q 554d
Erik Q
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Taylor 553d
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Jania Torres 551d
Jania Torres
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Okay, I'm curious what time your little ones go down for their first nap of the day. My son usually goes down anywhere between like 10.30 and noon, usually more closer to 10.30. And he will usually sleep until like 1.30 if he goes down at 10.30, which is pretty nice. But I'm curious when your little's go down for their first nap.
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Wait, do kids take more than one nap? Because I've only ever had my kiddos doing one nap. Man, that would be nice. But is that a thing? Do people do more than one nap? Anyways, my son usually is around like 12-ish.
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And my daughter is five, so she stopped taking nap probably around three years old. And once she's really exhausted, then she'll take it herself. If I tell her to go take a nap, it's usually like, okay, I'm closing the door, It's time to relax while your brother takes his nap.
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Me and my partner usually put our daughter down between 12pm and 1pm. She's only one year old at the moment so yeah. the same with my oldest son.
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My son goes down for a nap around 1030 depending on how he's feeling and then my daughter she goes to sleep at 12 o'clock I'm in the evenings
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My son on a good day goes to sleep, well, his nap four to five hours after he wakes up.
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