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Lydia Maylyne 555d
Lydia Maylyne
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Brenda Sanchez
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Karonde 554d
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Alfie-james Spud
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Alfie-james Spud
Kewi 553d
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T͓͓̽̽B͓͓̽̽Z͓̽ Jackson
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Luisa Poveda
T͓͓̽̽B͓͓̽̽Z͓̽ Jackson
Greg 551d
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Luisa Poveda
Luisa Poveda 550d
Luisa Poveda
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Luisa Poveda
Queen Pandora 550d
Queen Pandora
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Queen Pandora
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Should suits be banned are zoos harmful to animals
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Is anybody gonna talk to me?
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Um, maybe they should turn them into reserves, um, reserves instead of zoos, because I don't know. Uh, yeah, I don't know what... I don't know. I don't know.
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I think zoos should be banned because they are harming the poor animal. They're going crazy in there, locked up. They were not born to be locked up. that were born to be free.
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Honestly it's not like I thought Yazoo should be paying but it's FXX raiser stuff just to hold the animals to keep them out of harms way it should still be up because you suggest for money through the animals be suffering
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If the zoo provide a bigger Specsavers ample like the African safari that is Tokyo zoo animals are kept a nap but oh well looked after to those sausage today
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But typical zoos such as London zoo Bristol zoo all those sort of those should be banned because I've not been to space is there not another Richmond and animals are normally depressed
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Yeah I was in the movie and plan a year keep this shit up that's what's gonna happen this damn orangutan was just right next to this damn news reporter behind glass just staring at the camera ministering Lee yeah
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If I get a smart as fuck say they I'm here is so many damn stories about how they almost ripped his bitch arm off just feeding him in the cage like they got upset about it too so yeah I'm not about to be fucking around with that light
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If they're literally capable of ripping peoples faces off and remembering who did them wrong just imagine I mean it was a fucking tiger that literally got fucked up but stay hidden and killed a bunch of fucking people just because
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Yes 100% if you beat me in a cage I am letting all hell broke loose I'm shitting everywhere
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This answer is so dumb it's not even related to the question.
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Bitch don't ever apply emoji thing and I gave a fuck bitch if I paid you want to gauge how you gonna feel suck my dick
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Zoos shouldn't be banned because the thing is they're probably protected a lot of animals from being poached. That's my stance on it. I know it sounds absolutely ridiculous, but it is true. I went to a zoo yesterday and I felt like even though the animal
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I gave basically the same response. I have seen a lot of TV shows and TV news that talk about it.
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I think they shouldn't be banned because I have heard that some rescued animals or homeless that their mom has died or something.
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They end up being like sent to these zoos where they basically specialize in taking care of all these pieces.
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I don't think zoos should be banned, but I think they should be expanded. So like instead of like a small ass zoo, like a gigantic almost like city-like thing with enough space for all of the animals.
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I also feel like the zookeepers and the people on the shit shit have better training or some thing and just be better people in general should like sensitivity training type thing
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