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Kram 457d
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Idk 455d
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Mysaria Glass 464d
Mysaria Glass
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Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass
Mysaria Glass 464d
Mysaria Glass
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Mysaria Glass
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Dɾҽαɱყ 462d
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Tuko 459d
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
Jakeypoo 458d
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One time when I was younger, I heard a really loud pain noises from my closet. I went to go check it out. And there was nothing but underwear. I opened my door and walked out of the living room and I see two big beady eyes. I go in with my cat but I push her in the face. I come back to my room, something grabs me. Calls me on events such as this.
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One time I was in my room changing and you know how like a door rattles? Yeah, I heard that from my closet and nobody was in there nobody I was like home alone at that time and And I hadn't told anybody until they came back, so they were gone for like 2 hours, so I was really scared by myself.
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So one time I had, well we live in a really haunted state, in the haunted area, and on to, I guess, plot of land. It has a lot of backstory and history and stuff to it. I found out why things are the way they are over here, but my house is haunted. I have so many things I can say, but one of the main things that scared the whole absolute dog shit out of me was when somebody knocked on our back door using my husband's voice saying, love, let me in. Bye.
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So my son was only uh, two and a half, three maybe a thing, and he heard it. He heard the knock, he heard the voice, he jumps up screaming yay baddie's home. And I had this real sudden weird urge, almost like magnetic urge, like something's drawing me in to go open the back door. But I was like you know what, no this doesn't sound, this doesn't make sense, he wouldn't come to our back door. He'd go to the front, or at least inside the kitchen door. We also had rain doorbell so he caught.
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So he would have called me on the doorbell if he had any issues getting in using a key that he had So he wouldn't even knock on the door at that. So I realized you know common sense kicked in I snatched my baby up took Off running we looked in the backyard. There were no footprints. There was no sign that actual human was there and my husband Was all the way at work. I called him on his work phone and confirmed that when I heard that voice it was not him. So what was back there, pretending to be him?
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Additionally, there's another incident that's happened where my son's older. He's in my room because he just, you know, was always in my room, like, gaming or, you know, watching me, you know, solo or whatever. So he's in my room with me and you hear the knock of the door again. This time there is no, hey, love, it's me, open up, but there's something in our window. And I feel it and I can see it up the corner of my eye. My son stands up immediately goes, please don't answer that door.
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And once again, called my husband, confirmed it was not him. And it wasn't any neighbors either. We live in a neighborhood where everyone's pretty predictable. No one's gonna like crash our gate just to stand in our window and scare us. You know, like, that's not a thing. And there's never any footprints left. Never anything, you know, disturbed. A human would leave traces if they were present. That's not what that was. So yeah.
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One time I kicked a ghost out of the house, told her to get the fuck out and the door slammed. Found out later there was voodoo practicing in the house before we moved in. Made a lot of sense. There's always a weird feeling inside that hall. Eerie. eerie hair stand up. Don't know why.
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This looks so scary I'm definitely HiQ scared of clowns
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Alright alright alright this is the scariest story you might ever hear about alright so there was this kid named Tuko right? And you know Tuko, you know this kid is a big potty, you know he smokes like we right? You know one day he goes in his stash and it's all gone bro! It's all gone!
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So one night I was just laying down, trying to sleep, and I'm going to say it was like 12, so no one was awake. And there is a hallway outside of my room, which is always pitch black no matter what. And every night still to this day, I stare at the hallway carer by.
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I looked at the hallway to see a random flash of light. It looked like lightning, or if you were to take a picture with your flash on. And it was freaked out because again, it's page black in the hallway and I know it works. So I was freaking out and that's when I saw something that I'm still scarred by.
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I saw something. It was a clear vision of a face at the very top of my doorway. Meaning this thing was probably over six foot tall. Like, it was just staring and it had like an, all you could see was its eyes and its nose Peer and that means there's a doorway and right when I looked at it
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Right when it's saw that I was looking at it immediately it looked like you was like hiding like its face immediately like went from being in front of my doorway to behind you couldn't see it anymore which had me dead terrified and that's not even of the story it gets worse
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Um, it immediately, like, yeah, like I said, it disappeared. And my heart was racing because I wasn't sure where it went. So I immediately ran through the light switch and turned my light on, and wait when I turned the light on until the hallway, I slowly shadow, like, run, like, into my laundry room, which is a scary place.
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And I know this sounds made up but it is not. And so I was immediately done. I turned, I kept my light on, I locked my door and I put a chair in front of it. And I like put headphones on so I couldn't hear, I covered my eyes with a mask. I couldn't see or hear anything. I was terrified and I was freaking out the night.
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And then, I don't know, I heard a strange noise. Even though we had the headphones, it sounded like a bang right in front of me, so I freaked out. I got up and forced myself to throw up. I ran into my parents' room and said that I was sick, thrown up. That's how genuinely terrified I was. And I was only a couple years ago, and I'm still terrified to look at the hallway at night still today.
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